Seminaire Cameron Francis

We are proud to announce you a seminare with Cameron Francis.

It will take place the 31. March 2010 at 20.00 at Rumelange.

Cameron Francisis an actor and magician currently living in Gainesville, Florida. As an actor he has appeared professionally on stage in New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and the Hippodrome State Theatre in Gainesville. He has also starred in many commercials and appeared in the feature film “Never Back Down” starring  Oscar nominee Djimon Hounsou.

Here’s what you can expect: Close-up magic with tic-tac-boxes, bills, coins, keys, fingerings, photographs, sharpie markers, cards and hopefully some interesting and offbeat effects (some of which can be adopted to stand-up work as well.

The exact adress for our Seminar with Cameron Francis is Verainshaus, 57, rue Batty Weber at Rumelange.
Verainhaus: in the main Street , about 100 m. from the church at the corner of the shoo-shop “Zanni”, turn in there is rue Batty Weber.
(route finder by google maps: here)

As there are only a few parking places in the street, I recommand to use parkings at
rue de la fontaine
rue de la croix
Place de la commune

All these Parkings are about 100-200 from the Verainshaus.

Note from Cameron:

“The lecture will be fun and engaging and I think your members will have a good time.

Looking forward to meeting you



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